Dr Mansor Othman – PKR Vice President, PKR State Liaison Committee Chairman and Penang Deputy Chief Minister
Felix Ooi – MPPP Councilor and Timb Ketua Bhgn PKR Bkt Bendera
Tan Seng Keat – MPPP Councillor and Timb Ketua Bhg Bayan Baru
Raymond Ong – Bekas calon DUN Batu Uban
Jason Ong – Adun Kebun Bunga n Ketua Bhgn Bkt Bendera
Ng Cheng Siang- MPPP Councillor and Ketua Pemuda Bhgn Tanjung
Cheah Peng Guan – Ketua Caw Batu Uban
Law Choo Kiang- State eco and Timb Ketua Perhubungan Negeri
And John Ooi (the operative)
Mansor said – Penang scenario quite different with DAP’s drive now (DAP adalah dictator dalam pentadbiran negeri PP)
The incumbent chinese would stay (for PKR In the next PRU) Lau will be there
Hock Leong (ADUN Machang Bubuk) would be changed (he would be replaced in next PRU)
All incumbents except hock leong, i think u people have to convince him (convince hock leong not to stab in next PRU)
We have to put a young candidate (to replace hock leong)..bukan we dont like him as he has done a good job
You as a group (attendees at this meeting) have to think..must prepare names and leave to pusat to decide
To put young candidate..
To put young candidate..
You orang ada opinion..i will listen
Mansor said : On seats and candidacy..i leave it to pusat
Thats why i said 5+ 1 (five state seats and 1 parliament to be contested by PKR)
We are considering hj razali to replace him there
I look at the winning factor..maybe we have to look chinese who have more chance than malay in pantai jerejak (to win pantai jerejak)..decision is still pusat lah…
I have talked to felix and ready to stand there (Pantai jerejak) but up to pusat
Whatever pusat finalised we will support
Whatever pusat finalised we will support
Datuk what about DAP..die orang ada mintak dr kita ka?
Mansor replied : “I will not budge in..die mintak apapun. Because chinese candidate to them is ancaman la.. Orang kita yang entice to go there…(DAP sees PKR Chinese candidates as threat as they (PKR) can win. DAP despite being part of PR wants to kill off PKR in next PRU and control power in Penang by themselve)
But i think this time there will no fight (for seats between dap and pkr) and remain status quo
To this Mansor replied: “Tak tentu.. belom finalised. Die (guan eng) very arogant i tell u..corky and arrogant. Its not easy. Now more arogant. Because die (guan eng) menang banyak. They (DAP) are sure of winning 19 and they want more. Because by two more they can form their own govt and they can any tw from us (PKR) to be on their side and abandon us (PKR).”
Akan ada siri seterusnya dalam ‘verbatim’ report mengenai mesyuarat ini. Apa yang nyata adalah perkara-perkara berikut:-
DAP PP dan PKR PP sedang ‘berlawan’ sesama sendiri untuk mendapatkan kerusi yang lebih;
LGE dan DAP PP mahu menang dengan lebih besar dan tidak memerlukan sokongan PKR/PAS;
Dr Mansor dan LGE juga ada isu ‘peribadi’ – tidak sependapat;
Ramai calon PKR yang akan diganti (sebab – performance dan tidak mendapat sokongan rakyat);
PKR akan menyediakan lebih daripada satu list (bagi disesuaikan dengan keadaan);
Tidak ada kerjasama langsung setakat ini. Masing-masing menjaga parti masing-masing;