GEORGE TOWN: Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh has called for all race-based parties, including PAS, to be deregistered.
He said the time had come for all such political parties, as well as professional bodies formed according to racial and religious lines, to be deregistered.
"This applies to all political parties, including PAS, unfortunately," said Karpal in a press conference Tuesday.
He was responding to Muslim Lawyers Association (MLA) president Datuk Zainol Rijal Abu Bakar's warning Monday to the Malaysia Bar Council that if it backed Catholic weekly The Herald's appeal against the Court of Appeal ban from using the word Allah, the association will not hesitate to take further action.
"What did they mean when they said they will take further action?"
"The president of the Bar Council Christopher Leong should lodge a police report for criminal intimidation," said Karpal
komen bk : macam mana pulak dengan dong zhong , mca, pertubuan cina , budaya dan pertubuhan buddisht, kristian dan lain lain. mengapa islam sahaja ?